Blizzard Entertainment
- Concept
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- Design
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- Front-End
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- Back-End
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- App
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- Taught

Training History
The Training History app provides Blizzard Entertainment with an easy solution to track its employees training progress. It allows managers, supervisors and team members to view their profile as well as their direct reports' completed, enrolled, pending and declined courses.

Who are you?
The Training History app is an intra-net application that works with Windows and Active Directory making it automatic for employees to access their security level.

Blizzard has around 5,000 employees worldwide amongst which some regional managers have over 500+ employees in their direct reports. The Training History app has an auto-complete search as well as an aside recursive employee structure.

Data made simple
The Training History works with Blizzard Academy's API to give the user all the information he/she needs to know about an employee such as which courses were taken in which categories and when, how many hours were completed, total, year to date, and per course, which courses is the user enrolled in, pending, declined and completed.

Team player
Each team has to reach goals. The Training History app shows each team leader his teams total completed courses, total number of hours and year to date. Team leaders can also edit and add certifications.

After completing the Training History app, I was in charge of creating web fundamentals courses and teach them to Blizzard Employees. Courses covered wire-framing, UX/UI, and learning HTML and CSS at an intermediate level. By the end of the course, students were required to have a working one page website from Blizzard, like Starcraft / Diablo 3.
Technologies Used
- MVC4
- Razor-Engine
- Windows-Server
- IIS7
- Active-Directory
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- jQuery/UI
- C#
- mySQL
- Directives
- Direct-Reports
- Auto-Complete
- Caching
- User-Detection
- Tabulation
- Certification
- Expansion
- Minification